Welcome to the Inner Circle
Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present to you the Inner Circle, a new podcast network to represent the very best and absolutely worst of podcasting. A new network of savages prepared to take over.
The Home of:
Shit Happens When You Party Naked, SAMPC, The Plunge, The Hood Diner Podcast, The Untrained Eye, The Angry Dad and Failing Hollywood
Jason Alme, Adam Simmons & Chris Wutzke bring you…
We go DEEP! We stay WOKE!
Fuck wit us it ain't no JOKE!!

Friends for over 20 years, comedians Rob Moore and Adam Simmons get together once a week to discuss any and all topics; up to and including but not limited to: the likelihood of non-terrestrial life forms existing, the structural continuity of LeBron James’ hairline and wether or not James Bond is a superhero. Completely unedited and recorded LIVE in Asbury Park New Jersey the Simmons and Moore Podcast will beat you into submission with blazing hot sports takes then help you unwind with deep conversation about 90s R&B and optimizing your everyday life. #SAMPC

The Hood Diner
Dj Century and The Homie kAZual bring you "The Hood Diner Podcast", serving up glutenous portions of Music, Movies, Fashion, Food, Pop Culture and Current Events. Also interviews with some pretty kick ass people. Every week a different menu, cooking up some comedy and just all around having a blast.
Welcome to The Hood Diner baby...Order Up!

The Plunge
Three recent college grad friends from New Hampshire get together every week to talk about their discovery of life, awful dating lives, tinder nightmares, pop culture headlines, and create ideas for the entertainment industry. Only available on the Inner Circle Podcast Network and on twitter @PlungePodcast

Bad is forgivable - boring never is. Jason and Christina are completely off the rails. Drugs, alcohol, semen samples, penis cakes, and furiously filthy tirades by the rant-master himself: Jason. Cap it all off with the BEST Samuel L. Jackson impression you will literally EVER hear (as done by Christina), and you've got yourself one hell of a show. One thing is for sure: You will NEVER get bored when partying with these guys.

Failing Hollywood
Hollywood is a filthy beast full of Sex, Drugs, and Explosions. That's why we decided to work in the Film Industry! We witness everything from hilarious accidents to near death experiences while working behind the scenes everyday! We bring you those stories, along with interesting guests, and industry secrets! We give names and don’t have much shame. Prepare to have your ears filled with blood and seaman! Relax, it's just corn syrup!
This is Failing Hollywood!